Hotel XYZ

Hotel XYZ

The hotel is triple branded, loosely inspired by the preferences of generations x, y and z to create three different hotel experiences to attract a wide variety of people. Through a dynamic range of flex spaces, the individuals can intermix to create a city within the...


  Upon approaching a sliver of earth propped open like a hatch door left ajar, guests are invited to descend a spiraling ramp into the earth towards the well of water that surrounds and infiltrates a glass cylinder stage. Acting as a foil, the transparency of the...
New Wave Hall

New Wave Hall

New Wave Hall is a water centric civic building with indirect water desalinization processes and NET Government spaces that serves as a prototype for resillient buildings and water adaptation. The site was originally a parking lot owned by the local government. The...
Connection Canopy

Connection Canopy

Connection Canopy is designed as an interactive cannon that provides shading during the daytime and illumination at night in a previously unutilized green space within the University of Miami School of Architecture. Using a system of a steel post, washers and clear...