Upon approaching a sliver of earth propped open like a hatch door left ajar, guests are invited to descend a spiraling ramp into the earth towards the well of water that surrounds and infiltrates a glass cylinder stage. Acting as a foil, the transparency of the glass exterior reacts to the weight of the simply supported stone roof and structures within. As one discovers the interior of the theatre, they are led in procession to  xperience the sublime. The insitu structures built from the land itself accentuate a sense of natural weathering from wind and water flow. The  gently sloping two-story ramp defines the consecutive hierarchy of public to private spaces carved from the existing rock. Seen in  oblique, the layout of the building is highly axial, emphasizing the bisection of circular and elliptical forms by way of a pierced round oculus.

Partner design competition entry with Chris D’Amico for ARKxSITE theatre design competition.