The White Crown Research Center on Pigeon Key, named after the White Crown Pigeon Native to the Island, is an educational facility that aims to connect researchers in the field of coastal resiliency with students of all ages. The modulated building design is an educational tool, creating a prototype for future coastal construction and synergy. The building is net zero and self-sustaining through the utilization of Tesla 􀁚oof Tiles, passive ventilation systems, open air circulation, rainwater collection systems and an aerobic waste treatment system as integral aspects of its design. The center was designed to act as a place to inspire a sense of familiar community by mimicking the vernacular style and scale of the buildings existing on the site with a modern perspective, utilizing the existing ramp as a central spine. A typology of buildings that incorporate strong Seacrete bases, utilizing the shapes of modified wa􀅋e slabs and detailed sheer walls is introduced
to raise the program above 14ft NGVD to comply with building regulations designed with hurricane forces in mind.

This was a partner project with Michaela Senior.